Now under the Meta umbrella, WhatsApp has begun testing an exciting AI-generated stickers feature — Available exclusively to select testers in the Android WhatsApp beta program, these cutting-edge AI-powered stickers are making waves. This innovative technology empowers users to transform simple text descriptions into captivating stickers.
The specifics of the AI model behind this innovation remain mysterious; Information from WABetaInfo suggests that these stickers result from “secure technology offered by Meta.”
Drawing inspiration from models like Midjourney and OpenAI’s DALL-E, this upcoming WhatsApp feature functions similarly. It allows users to create personalized images from text prompts, which can then be shared as stickers in conversations and groups.
Concerns and Safeguards
Addressing concerns, WhatsApp acknowledges the need for responsible AI usage. Past challenges with misleading content have led to the implementation of strict safeguards. While users can report inappropriate stickers, the specifics of the AI’s security measures remain undisclosed.
Drawing Parallels with Midjoureny and DALL-E Models
Distinctive markers set stickers generated by this AI feature apart. WABetaInfo suggests the incorporation of watermarks or indicators to identify their AI origin. This approach parallels Microsoft’s use of OpenAI’s DALL-E for Bing Chat visuals and Instagram’s plans to label AI-generated content.
As WhatsApp enters the realm of AI-generated stickers, it enters a transformative phase of communication. By blending technology and creativity, it’s poised to revolutionize how users interact, making conversations more dynamic and inclusive. Are you excited to try this new feature? Let us know your opinion in the comments!
Filed in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Whatsapp.
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