Turn A Gundam is another series set in an alternate Gundam universe, but with a twist that will pay off several connections to Gundam’s main continuity if you’re familiar with it—but it’s not necessary to have that knowledge coming into it. With a wildly different aesthetic to what came before it—the show is set on an Earth where, after a catastrophic apocalypse, society has been rebuilt to roughly turn of the 20th century technology, and features mecha designs by the legendary artist Syd Mead—Turn A looks and often feels quite unlike any other series.
There’s definitely parallels to Witch From Mercury, especially between Suletta and Turn A’s protagonist Loran, and tonally the two shows feel in conversation with each other. But, can I be honest? I’m suggesting it because it is my favorite Gundam show, and I desperately need more people to talk about it with.
Where to Watch: Alas, no soul is brave enough yet to be streaming Turn A—you’ll have to buy the series on Blu-ray to watch it, but trust me: it’s worth it.
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